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We have a few in year places in some year groups. Please take a look at the website and fill in the online admission form if you want to happy and we will be in touch.


Welcome to Sydney


Year 3

The school day begins promptly at 8:40am, with first lessons beginning after registration at 8:45am. Our school day ends at 3:00pm.


PE Sessions:

Year 3 will be going swimming on a Wednesday.  Please ensure full swimming kit is in school on this day.  Indoor PE will now be on a Monday afternoon.  Children will need their indoor kit (white t-shirt, blue shorts and pumps) on this day. 



Class mass will be held on Tuesday 21st June.


Home Learning:



All children have individual reading books and reading logs and are expected to read independently or with an adult each night. This will enable children to widen their vocabulary and creatve potential, which will help them also develop their writing skills.


Pupils should write a daily comment in their reading logs given an update of how they are getting on with their book. This could include: likes, dislikes; questions that are arising; any predictions or problems they can fortell etc. They should also complete a weekly homework task that is within their reading record.

Please could parents/carers ensure that they sign children's reading logs each week to say they have heard or seen them read at home.


Learning Logs

Learning logs will be given out each term for ongoing home learning.


Chldren are required to bring their learning logs in every Wednesday to share with their classmates and teacher.


These will be based on the class topic for each term and give children the opportunity to record their knowledge and understanding, of each weeks learning, in whichever way they feel most helpful. Suggestions for activities will be given out at the beginning of each new topic. Children should try to complete 1 activity per week.  Children do not have to complete all of the suggested activities as they may have some ideas of their own which they choose to do instead. 


Children will also receive a piece of Maths or English homework every Friday to consolidate their learning during the week.


This is to be handed in on a Monday.



Spellings will be given out every Monday and their learning will be assessed the following Monday. Please support your child to practice and learn these spellings, not just in lists, but also in the context of sentences, to allow them to practice applying their skills.


Class IPC Topic:

This term's topic is The Romans.  We will be looking at Roman Life.  In Science we will be studying plants.  In Art & ICT we will be looking at Digital Photography. 


Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information. Thank you for your continued support.


Kind regards

Miss Hollingsworth

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