Welcome to Year 1
St David & St Clare
Miss Bannister & Mrs. Neill
Spring 2025
Miss Bannister and Mrs.Neill would like to welcome you Year 1's page.
Welcome to Year 1, we hope you have had a wonderful Christmas holiday with your families and are excited for this New Year 2025!
Important Information:
Key Dates:
PE Monday (Indoor) Thursday (Outdoor)
Class Assembly - Wednesday 5th February 2025 (St. Clare- 1N) Wednesday 12th February 2025 (St. David- 1B)
Home Learning and Book Bags
Book bags will be sent home with a new reading book every Wednesday. Please ensure book bags are brought in by the following Wednesday. Home learning projects will be set each half-term linked to pupils class learning. These should be completed throughout the half-term in learning log books. Home learning will be shared in class in the final week of the half-term, (week beginning 10th Feb) where the children will be able to show and celebrate their home learning.
Water bottles
Water bottles should be brought into class on a Monday, these will be refill each morning. Pupils will have access to these throughout the day, they will be sent home a Friday for a wash and clean at home.
PE Days
Our PE days will be on a Monday and Thursday. Children should come into school wearing their PE kits on these days.
Please ensure your child's name is in all items of clothing including their basic school uniform.
If your child's name is not on their items of clothing this makes it very difficult to locate lost items.
If you are unsure of what your child needs for their PE kit please see our School uniform policy.
Curriculum Focus
This term we will be learning about Special People and Meals. We will learn that we all play an important role in our school and parish community. We will learn about the special jobs that must be done in the Church and during Mass and the importance of sharing meals with our families. Following this, we will then explore the Changes that take place in the run up to Easter. During this time we will think about our Lenten promises and how we can change and grow during this time.
In Literacy, we will be continuing to focus on letter formation, handwriting and sentence structure. We will be practising using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops with independence. The children will practise these skills through a range of genres including retells, instructions and group work. We will be using texts to support our developing writing. Please practise at home with your child, their handwriting and letter formation.
This term, we will continue developing our knowledge of numbers to 20, making sure we are really confident and understand their value before moving onto numbers to 50. We will also be challenging ourselves to solve problems involving addition and subtraction. We will begin our learning of measure looking at length and height then moving onto weight and mass through practical and fun activities.
Please help your child by practising counting and writing their numbers up to 20.
In Science, we will be learning all about animals including humans. Thinking about the 5 groups of animals and how we can tell which animal belongs in each group. As part of our learning we will be sorting animals and finding things animals have in common.
In Topic this term we will cover Oceans and Seas in Geography and Titanic in our History learning. We will be looking at maps, identifying where the different oceans are and which countries they meet. The children will be able name all the oceans and continents of our world. Year 1 will learn a super catchy song to help them remember.
During this term we will also be going on a trip to RHS Bridgewater in Manchester, where we will walk around looking at plants and animals and identify different animal habitats.
Throughout Spring term we will be working through our module 'Relationships '. This unit explores families and friendships, safe relationships and how we should respect ourselves and others.
Home Learning
Learning logs will be sent home on a Wednesday each week and must be returned to school by the following Wednesday. The children will then get the opportunity to share the work they have done with their peers and celebrate their home learning in class at the end of each half term. Weekly phonics learning will be sent home in books bag including sounds we have focused on this week and tricky words for children to practise at home.
Reading is an integral part of our school day. As well as a daily designated class reading time the children will access a wide range of texts throughout the day. They will have opportunities to read texts during shared teaching, as part of a small group and individually. Your child will read with an adult in school at least three times a week during a guided reading session.
It is important that your child brings their reading book into school on Wednesdays so their books can be changed. Please encourage your child to read every day at home and make it a special time together.
Please can you sign the reading record when you have read and discussed the book with your child. Children also need to complete the reading activities in the log book. The reading books will be changed every week. Remember little and often is the best way to develop a love for reading!
We will be teaching phonics daily. The children will be learning new sounds and practising their blending and segmenting skills, which will support in their reading and writing. Towards the end of the second half term, the children will be given different spellings related to what the focus is in their group that week. The spellings will be sent home as part of their weekly homework and there will be a spelling test of these words the following week.
For supporting any home learning relating to Phonics, Phonics Play is a fantastic website with lots of free games/resources.
Reading Eggs
Logins for Reading Eggs have been sent via ParentMail but there will be a slip of paper with your child's details for this website in their Learning Log books too.