Home Page
We have a few in year places in some year groups. Please take a look at the website and fill in the online admission form if you want to happy and we will be in touch.

Attendance at School from 8th March 2021

COVID-19 (coronavirus) absence: A quick guide for parents / carers

Covid-19 School Risk Assessment: Updated September 2021

Guidance on staying at home and away from others

Manchester Community Support

If you need help you can get it now by calling 0800 234 6123

Public Health England

The latest government advice is available through:

Updates on COVID-19:


Health & Wellbeing

We are aware that this will be a new and difficult time for everyone – to support parents, below are number of useful resources / information documents:

Wellbeing Support Top Tips

NHS – Every Mind Matters


Talking to your Child about Coronavirus / Children’s Commissioner

Manchester Healthy Schools Survival Guide/Wellbeing Challenge

Mentally Healthy Schools’ Wellbeing Toolkit

Anna Freud

Young Minds


Staying Safe Online


Young Carers

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