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We have a few in year places in some year groups. Please take a look at the website and fill in the online admission form if you want to happy and we will be in touch.

That´s it! The course is over and it looks like it was yesterday when the kids started trying to say my name...


Not /saimon/ it is /simón/ with emphasis at the end :)


Year 2 have been learning a little bit of Spanish as a transition for Y3. Just, hello or my name is .... and some numbers. They really enjoyed, specially finding the numbers around the class!


Year 3-4 have had the World Cup topic in music, so we have been dancing and listening to World Cup songs and Brazilian rhythms, being able to copy them with our percussion instruments. In Spanish we worked in the Forest School and playground finding missing dates to translate into Spanish and throwing tennis ball in a circle revising months, days of the week and numbers. Also, games like "A la zapatilla por detrás" or "Pañuelo" were so much fun for them.


In Year 5-6, in music, we learnt about differents anthems and their characteristics being able to compose in groups different anthems and World Cup songs. They were great! In Spanish we went out to enjoy the weather playing some ball games.


Thanks to my Y4 and Y5 who took part in the coreography for the World Cup assembly, you did it great and I am very proud of you and your work!


Finally, good luck to our Y6 leavers and a short comment about how good this year has been and how wonderful our children are. ST Mary´s is growing very fast and we have some news ready for the next course!!! I will keep you updated!


Have a nice summer and..... ¡Aaaaaadiós!

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