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We have a few in year places in some year groups. Please take a look at the website and fill in the online admission form if you want to happy and we will be in touch.

In the first half term of 2014:



In Y1/2 we have had our percussion instruments everyday in class to use them in our songs, “Here comes David” “Let´s play the instrument” or “Get up” are some of them. Get up is specially appreciated due we can use it in the mornings to get everybody up. It says “Get up, get up, get up get out of bed; Get up, get up, get up you sleepy head; It´s eight o´clock you are going to be late, your friends are waiting at the gate; Get up, get up get out of bed!” You can ask your children about this song to memorize the words and wake them up receiving a smile.


Regarding our recorded music, Carnival of animals from Saint-Saëns is our classical music of everyday; with videos like the Flamingos movement (from the film “Fantasia”) or the Aquarium, we can recognize some orchestra instruments.


In Y3/4 we have been working hard in music structures. “Solo”, “tutti” or “duo” are some new words in their music vocabulary and they have been the composers of their own musical fragments using these structures. Compositions for wooden, skin, metal and shaker instruments played in solo / tutti brought a good challenge for the children.


In Y5/6 the main activity has been: “to be musicians”. Being able all of them to play in our xylophones songs like “Every night” “Lemonade song” or “Yesterday, didn´t it rain”. Singing and playing, working together as an orchestra with really good results.  

This term in KS2, they are the DJ´s with their suggestions for the initial recorded music of the class; some songs that we could listen were “One way or another” by “One direction”, “Love is on the radio” by “McFly” or “What does the fox say?” by “Ylvis”.


I invite everybody to recommend music to your children that they can bring and share with us at the beginning of the class; all types of music are welcome.



Rojo, amarillo, negro, marrón, azul, verde, gris, blanco… There are some colours they have learnt. Papá, mama, hermano or hermana are the members of the family they can say in Spanish. “Tengo nueve años” (I am nine years old) is another expression to introduce theirselves.


Now, they are able to go to Spain, meet somebody and say their name, age and how they feel!


Puerta, pizarra, lápiz, ventana are some elements from the class that we are learning to.


Also, “La puerta de Alcalá” (Y3/4) and “A la zapatilla por detrás” (Y5/6) have been our Spanish games and songs.


Remind everybody the use of Babelzone website in case children want to practice their Spanish. Children know the username and password of the license bought by the school.


Our After school Spanish club for Y3/4 will be running this 2nd half term and after Easter holidays. Due the amount of requests with more than twenty on the first day, we have decided to split the children in two groups. Thanks for your interested children and parents, learning a new language is always an effort that brings lots of opportunities for their development and future.

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