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We have a few in year places in some year groups. Please take a look at the website and fill in the online admission form if you want to happy and we will be in touch.


We have worked hard over the past two years to develop the ‘Pond Life’ area.  The area has been designed to encourage pupils to reflect on the nature around them.  Children also use the area as an outdoor classroom, especially to enhance their study of Science.   Pupils have enjoyed the opportunity to use the area at lunchtimes to engage in quieter activities.



"I like to learn about nature and it is nice and quiet. I love feeding the fish" - Adora


"Nice and peaceful" - Luca


"I like watching the fish" - Patrick


"I like coming in the pond life area to draw and build" Ezra


"I like coming to the pond life area to look at nature. I like looking after the little children" - Caitlin


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