Welcome to Our Reception class home page.
Here you can find out what we have been learning about and find links to our weekly newsletters and homework.
Newsletters and homework will be sent home every Friday.
Homework and Reading books are due in on a Tuesday.
Reading books will be changed on a Tuesday. Please return reading books together with reading records in the clear plastic bag. Please read daily with your child and sign and date their reading record. One comment per week is sufficient to let us know if they have found anything particularly difficult and how we can help them in school. Comments about how well your child has read are also welcomed.
Once the children start learning the sounds, a list of cvc words will also be sent home to be learned - these link to the sounds the children are learning in phonics each week. These words do not need to be returned to school. Please continue to help your child to practise these. They should eventually be able to read them by sight (without segmenting and blending each sound).
Please see below pictures of the children's art work using natural materials collected from our Forest School.