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Mrs Asif : Year 2 Teacher KS1 Phase Leader

Hello, I am Mrs Asif and here is a little information about me. Within school I have a passion for literacy and enjoy seeing children flourish in their unique learning journey. My favourite children’s book is George’s Marvellous Medicine which I am very excited to read with you. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two children, one who is named after a famous boxer. We often do something active such as a trip to the park or gardening. I enjoy photography and listening to music.


My favourite article from the UNCRC: 


My favourite article is article 13 (freedom of expression - Every child must be free to express their thoughts and opinions and to access all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law.


This is my favourite article because it gives children a voice to express their opinions and views freely and this is similar to the rights that adults also have.  Children represent the future so their opinions must be represented amongst other opinions in society so that important changes can take place.  Article 13 allows children not only to be heard, but to be respected.  No matter who you are, what your background, your beliefs, your culture aand so on children should be allowed to speak up and participate as valued members of the society.


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