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Year 4 Important class information


Learning Logs/ weekly homework

Learning logs will be sent home every Thursday and your child will have a week to complete some activities - related to our topics. The children can choose from the list of ideas or create their own activities. They can be as creative as they like! Any child who does not return homework three times will receive a letter home. In addition to this, if your child has struggled with some work in class or has failed to complete an activity, it may be sent home to support them in their learning. Additionally, children will received their weekly spelling list to learn every Wednesday and will be tested the following Wednesday. As of the summer term, children will also receive additional literacy and maths homework if required. This homework will provide the children with opportunities to practise and apply their new skills.



Throughout the day children will be allowed to drink water in class. It would be helpful if your child could bring in a plastic bottle with their name on which can be kept in the classroom.



Fruit is the only food that should be brought into school for morning break. For a drink the children are allowed:

  • milk (please pay at the office)
  • fresh fruit juice
  • water


Outdoor P.E is every Wednesday and indoor P.E will take place every Tuesday. The children will require an indoor and an outdoor PE kit (labelled with their names inside). If you are unsure about the kit please ask. During the summer term, some children will be going swimming on a Wednesday morning - if your child is going swimming, they will require a swimming kit including a hat and a towel.



The children should be reading their reading books each night and their reading record should be signed by an adult. Please ensure your child brings their books to school each day so that they can be read with in school regularly and their books can be changed. Reading logs are checked every Monday.


Should you have any concerns/queries then please don’t hesitate to arrange to meet with me and these can be discussed.


Miss Marshall

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