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Our Governors

Federation Leadership Structure


Whilst the Executive Heatdeacher, Heads of School and Director of Learning are responsible for day-to-day management of the school, the role of the Governing Body is to provide strategic management and to act as a ‘critical friend’, supporting and challenging the school.


The federation has one overarching governing body with governance responsibility and accountability across both schools.  


Schools generally have a budget to cover salaries, running costs, maintenance and equipment and the Governing Body is responsible for managing this budget. They can decide how many and what types of staff to employ, which equipment to upgrade or replace and what the priorities are for implementing new strategies and initiatives.


Governors also have a role in monitoring the school's progress and in setting annual targets for the school's performance and for the Headteacher.


Governors are volunteers and the overall Governing Body is made up of a number of different types of Governor: Parent Governors, Staff Governors, Foundation Governors (ie. Appointed by the Bishop and likely to be Parishioners or those with a close history with school or Parish) and Local Authority Governors.


Different Governor Roles are outlined below




The Federation’s Governing Body shall consist of 12 governors as follows:  


Type of governor  



Executive Head Teacher Governor   


Parent Governors elected from across the schools in the Federation : 1 from each school


Staff Governor elected from across the schools in the Federation   


Local Authority Governor Nominated by the LA and appointed by the Federation Governing Body  


Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocese of Salford  






Role of Foundation Governors


Although all of the governors have the responsibility to promote and maintain the school’s Catholic character and mission, the foundation governors have special responsibility in this area. The CES document ‘Governing a Catholic School’ (1998) gives this summary of their role.


‘Foundation governors are appointed by the Bishop specifically to ensure:


  • that the religious character of the school is preserved;
  • that the school is conducted in accordance with its trust deed (ie the diocesan trust deed);
  • that the religious education curriculum is in accordance with the bishop’s policy for his diocese, based on the Bishops’ Conference Curriculum Directory.’


Foundation governors in voluntary aided schools with a religious character have additional legal duties:

They are:

  • in employing teachers, ‘whenever possible, they should appoint Catholic teachers in order to promote and maintain the Catholic ethos of the school.’ They must appoint practising Catholics to the posts of Executive headteacher, deputy headteacher and coordinator of religious education.
  • admitting children ‘first and foremost on religious grounds’, by giving priority for admission to baptised Catholic children;
  • ensuring that the whole curriculum, including religious education, ‘is taught in the light of gospel values and actively promotes the spiritual and moral development of the pupils’.


Role of Staff Governor


Staff governors are elected  in the same way as other governors.


There is a teaching and support staff member on the governing body and they serve a four year term.


The Executive Headteacher is automatically a part of the Governing Body and other members of the leadership team may be delegated to particular committees on their behalf.


Role of Parent Governors


Parent governors are in a unique position on a governing body. Not only do parent governors have to work in the best interests of the school, but they have to balance this with their natural desire to see the best outcomes for their own child(ren).


Parent governors are not delegates and are not obliged to get voting instructions on matters to be decided, nor to vote in accordance with the parent body's views.


It is important that parent governors can give a fair and accurate representation of parental opinion on matters of importance.


Care must, however, be taken if they are approached by another parent with a complaint about the school, in which case the parent concerned should be referred to the school’s complaints policy.  


They vote, however, according to their own conscience and with the well being of the school foremost in mind.


Role of Local Authority Governors


Their role is to represent the Local Authority but they do not have to vote in agreement with the views of the Authority. As all governors their duty is to put the best interests of the school first.


Associate Governors

The new Federation Governing Body can also invite additional associate members as  required to provide a specialist skills set and ensure strong governance. Associate members will not have the voting rights of the governing body.  


The Admissions Authority

The new Federation governing body is also the admissions authority for both schools within the Federation.  The Federation complies with the guidance and suggested admissions policy set out by the Diocese of Salford. 



All governors are part of the Full Governing Body and invited to attend those meetings. Governors are usually  invited to join smaller committees. The governing body has three committees, each of which has delegated responsibility and accountability across both schools.   


The committees are:  

Curriculum Inclusion & Standards Committee  

Finance and HR Committee / Pay  

Buildings & Health and Safety Committee  


The Executive HeadTeacher or their representative from the leadership team sits on all committees.


Meet The Governors


Rebecca Kennedy: Chair of Governors


I became Chair of Governors in our Federation in January 2021, prior to this I had been the Chair at St Cuthbert's and had been on the governing body for seven years.


I have four children who all attended St Cuthbert’s and who are now either at University or in Secondary Education.


I worked for many years as a Press Officer for Manchester City Council.  I am a qualified counsellor, registered with the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy and have worked for the mental health charity Mind and for East Lancashire Women’s Centres in Burnley and Accrington, as well as privately.


Pecuniary Interests: None declared 

Governor Type: Foundation (Chair)

End of Term of Office date: 04/01/2025


Cath Baggaley      


I have worked for the Local Authority for over 30 years, the last eleven years of which I have been seconded to UNISON.  I am the Lead Officer for Schools for the Manchester Branch, this involves meeting at a strategic level with the Director of Education and Skills and his Senior Management Team. I am involved in Policy Consultations with both the Local Authority and One Education (former Management Support to Schools). I am an elected member of the Local Authority Schools Forum, Chair of Unison Regional Schools Forum, North West Representative of Unison National Schools Sector Committee and have links with the Manchester Schools Alliance.


I have strong links with St. Cuthbert’s being a former pupil myself.  I have three children, one of who is still at St. Cuthbert’s.   I became a Foundation governor for the Federation in January 2021


Pecuniary Interests: None declared 

Governor Type: Foundation Governor 

End of Term of Office date: 04/01/2025


Father Brendan Curley


Fr Brendan is parish priest at St Cuthbert’s Church, Withington.  He supports the spiritual life of the school, celebrating Mass regularly.


Pecuniary Interests: None declared 

Governor Type: Foundation 

End of Term of Office date: N/A


Fr Dever, Foundation Governor (Parish Priest)


I am the Parish Priest for both St Mary's and St Richards and a Governor in both schools.


Pecuniary Interests: None declared 

Governor Type: Foundation 

End of Term of Office date: N/A


Ms A Morrisey - Parent Governor


Pecuniary Interests: None declared 

Governor Type: Foundation Governor 

End of Term of Office date: 04/01/2025


Ms C Joyce - Parent Governor


Pecuniary Interests: None declared 

Governor Type: Foundation Governor 

End of Term of Office date: 04/01/2025


Ms K Perry - Local Authority Governor


Pecuniary Interests: None declared 

Governor Type: LA Governor 

End of Term of Office date: 04/01/2025


Mr G Stenson - Foundation Governor


Pecuniary Interests: None declared 

Governor Type: Foundation Governor 

End of Term of Office date: 04/01/2025 


Mrs K Sinclair - Foundation Governor


Pecuniary Interests: None declared 

Governor Type: Foundation Governor 

End of Term of Office date: 04/01/2025


Mylene McGuire Executive Headteacher

As the Executive Headteacher I am a member of the Governing body. The governors are very important to the school. All big decisions are discussed with them. My job is to both be a part of the governing body, and also report to them on how well the school is doing in lots of areas. 


I have worked in and with Manchester schools my whole career, both as a teacher and with the Local Authority as a School Improvement Partner and Lead adviser for Primary schools for English and Maths. I work between both schools and really enjoy working with both communities to make sure all of the children get the best education we can give them.

The Senior Leadership Team across the two schools are also linked to Governor Committees and their roles are outlined briefly below.


Matt Lawrence


I am Head of School at St. Cuthbert’s. I have been  here since September 2018. My experience to date has allowed me to work with children of all ages but in particular the majority of the time in Year 6 and as a member of the SLT in my previous setting. I am extremely passionate about education in a child’s life and I believe every child has the right to a quality education regardless of their background. I love working here at St. Cuthbert’s; the whole ethos and focus we have on ensuring our children receive the best possible start to their education lives is what makes the school so special.  


Joanne O'Mullane/ Tracey Collins


We share the role of  Head of School at St. Mary’s. We have both worked at St Mary's for along time holding a variety of roles. We love working here at St. Mary's; the whole ethos and focus we have on ensuring our children receive the best possible start to their education lives is what makes the school so special.  


Kelly Wilson


I am the Director of Learning for the Federation. I work across both schools leading and developing our global curriculum and supporting our subject leaders to work closely together in the best interests of all of our children. I have had the opportunity to work across all three key stages from Reception - Year 6 and have carried my passion for an active, engaging and experience led education with me throughout. I also support teaching and learning to be the best that it can be across our schools through supporting our staff in the classroom to develop the 'craft' of effective teaching. 

Register of Interests

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