Year six
Welcome back to Spring Term 2025
Mr Balmforth, Mrs Hall, Mr Beresford, Mrs Khawaja are so happy to welcome back our year six - we hope that you had a really peaceful break.
We look forward to another busy term: full of hard work, fun and new experiences. This term, as well at enjoying fantastic lessons on daily basis, we will have the opportunity to take part in the Manchester Irish festival, perform at the poetry cafe and have a great World Book Day.
Year 6 Timetable
Here is a normal daily timetable for Year 6 students:
8:30: School opens
8.30-8:45: Form Time
8:45am – 9.30am: RE.
9.30am – 10.30am: Maths
10.30am – 10:45am: First break
10.45am – 12.15pm: Reading & English
12.15pm – 1.05pm: Lunch
1.30pm - 3.05pm: Reading/Science/Topic/PE/Spanish/PSHE
3.10pm: Prayer and home time
Frequently asked questions:
When is our P.E. slot?
For the first half term, our P.E. slot is on a Monday afternoon. We will be studying Gymnastics indoors. Please refer to the link on this website for P.E. uniform information.
For the second half term, our P.E. slot is on a Tuesday afternoon. We will be studying Hockey outdoors. Please refer to the link on this website for P.E. uniform information.
When do we bring our reading books and reading records in?
The children should keep their reading records up to date and will be expected to bring them, and their reading book, in every day even if they have not finished their book. This will allow us to monitor how much your child is reading at home. We would like parents listen to their child read, initial their reading record and to discuss their book with them at least once a week. We expect your child to read for a minimum of 30 minutes each evening. This will really help them to make good progress in all aspects of the curriculum.
What is our home learning offer and when is our home learning due in?
Every week, we expect:
spelling shed to be completed (spelling test weekly)
My Maths to be completed every week
Timestable rockstars to be completed every week
Reading - 30 minutes every night
Additional home learning may be set to support learning
Curriculum information:
This term, we will be reflecting on the Word of the Lord and how our faith can bring us together and support us when we experience death, grief and suffering.
We will be looking at the theme of Curiosity and Innocence using the texts : 'Rose Blanche' and 'The boy in the striped pyjamas.' We will be using these texts to support our writing of non-chronological reports, persuasive arguments and diary entries. During our reading sessions, we will be focusing on developing our comprehension skills by looking wide range of text.
This term, we will be embedding and extending our knowledge of fractions, decimals and percentages. We will then start looking at algebra and statistics. The end of the term will find us investigating shape to include: area, perimeter, volume, position and direction.
In History and Geography, we will be studying Ancient Greece and how to live simply.
In our computing units, we will be using web based apps to produce 3D models.
Art lessons will find us investigating the wonderful artist David Hockney and producing a piece of work based on his paintings. In DT, we will be practising our sewing skills to make a reusable bag.
In our physics science units, we will be studying light and electricity.
The focus of our studies will be health and well-being; the focus being looking after our mental health.
Useful information:
Helping at home - English
Oak National Academy - English
Oak National Academy - Grammar
Oak National Academy - Spelling
BBC Bitesize
Spelling Shed:
Helping at home - Maths
Oak National Academy - Maths
BBC Bitesize - Maths
Class of 2024/2025
Mr Balmforth, Mrs Hall, Mr Beresford, Mr Kaufman and Mrs Khawaja are so happy to welcome our new students to year six. We are so excited to get to know all of them and can't wait to discover all of their talents. Our expectations are high but the children will be rewarded by making good progress which will help them achieve all they are capable of.
Our aim is that all children will get an extremely well balanced as we understand the importance of learning opportunities that can be gained from delivering a broad curriculum. As part of maintaining our rich curriculum, your children will have many enrichment opportunities to reach out to the world around them through prayer, words, work and play. This term, as well at enjoying fantastic lessons on daily basis, we will have the opportunity to support our year group deliver a mass, attend a full week's residential and a fantastic V.E. day street party. We can't wait to get started.
Important Dates
Year 6 welcome mass - 10th Sept
PGL residential - 30th Sept - 4th Oct
Remembrance Service - 8th November.
Year 6 Timetable
Here is a normal daily timetable for Year 6 students:
8:30: School opens
8.30-8:45: Form Time
8:45am – 9.30am: RE.
9.30am – 10.30am: Maths
10.30am – 10:45am: First break
10.45am – 12.15pm: Reading & English
12.15pm – 1.05pm: Lunch
1.30pm - 3.05pm: Reading/Science/Topic/PE/Spanish/PSHE
3.10pm: Prayer and home time
Frequently asked questions:
When is our P.E. slot?
Our P.E. slot is on a Monday afternoon. Please refer to the link on this website for P.E. uniform information.
When do we bring our reading books and reading records in?
The children should keep their reading records up to date and will be expected to bring them, and their reading book, in every day even if they have not finished their book. This will allow us to monitor how much your child is reading at home. We would like parents listen to their child read, initial their reading record and to discuss their book with them at least once a week. We expect your child to read for a minimum of 30 minutes each evening. This will really help them to make good progress in all aspects of the curriculum.
When are our assemblies?
Year 6 will be delivering the remembrance assembly on the 8th November.
What is our home learning offer and when is our home learning due in?
Every week, we expect:
spelling shed to be completed (spelling test weekly)
My Maths to be completed every week
Timestable rockstars to be completed every week
Reading - 30 minutes every night
Additional home learning may be set to support learning
Curriculum information:
This term, we will be reflecting on being in how we show our love to God and God's unconditional love for us, how people dedicate their lives to God, advent. Within our learning, we will also study important Saint days and holy days.
We will start the year by looking at the theme of barriers using the wonderful text,' The wall in the middle of the book.' After writing a wonderful narrative based on this, we will then dive straight into the world of conflict and chaos using the tragic tale of Macbeth to support our learning. During our reading sessions, we will be focusing on developing our comprehension skills by looking wide range of text.
At the start of the year, we will be embedding and extending our knowledge of place value. We will then be looking at the four operations vital to mathematics. The end of the term will find us revisiting all our prior knowledge of fractions and looking at applying this knowledge in relation to problem solving.
In History and Geography, we will be studying the world at war, focusing on World War 2. We will be focusing on life for those at home.
In our computing units – we will be designing and using spreadsheets. Very excitingly, we will be making our own websites. Art lessons will find us looking at the artist Paul Nash and war art. During DT, we will be designing and making our lanterns for the Christmas lantern parade.
In our science unit on animals including humans, the focus is on our bodies, especially the circulatory system. We will be learning how to keep our bodies healthy.
The focus of our studies will be life in the wider world - looking at changes to our bodies and minds as we grow older.
Useful information:
Helping at home - English
Oak National Academy - English
Oak National Academy - Grammar
Oak National Academy - Spelling
BBC Bitesize
Spelling Shed:
Helping at home - Maths
Oak National Academy - Maths
BBC Bitesize - Maths
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Helping at home - English
Oak National Academy - English
Oak National Academy - Grammar
Oak National Academy - Spelling
BBC Bitesize
Spelling Shed:
Helping at home - Maths
Oak National Academy - Maths
BBC Bitesize - Maths
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