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How does the school know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
All pupils are tracked in English and maths throughout the school year. Progress of each child is rigorously monitored. If there are any concerns regarding progress additional support or intervention may be provided depending on the need of the individual child.
Additional support or intervention is individual to the child's needs.
Progress of the child continues to be monitored and evaluated by the class teacher and the Inclusion Manager.
Any new children joining our school will be assessed in a variety of different ways and information from a child's previous school will be sought.
If you think that your child has special needs and this has not already been identified by the school, then an appointment can be made to see your child's class teacher or a member of the Inclusion team.
How will school staff support my child?
The Inclusion Team regularly meets with teachers and school staff to discuss SEN issues, this includes the progress of all children with SEN.
Class teachers, support staff, parents and children are involved in the setting and reviewing of targets within the Support Plan.
Parents will be invited to an annual review meeting to discuss their child's progress.
Parents are able to meet with the child's class teacher, and/or a member of the Inclusion team, should they wish to discuss their child's needs at any point during the school year.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child's needs?
At St Mary's we know that all children learn in different ways. Therefore all teachers plan lessons which take this into consideration. Lessons are planned to suit the learning needs of all children.
In order to support children the curriculum is delivered in a variety of ways. All lessons within school are adapted in order to support the needs of all children.
Small group and individual support is offered to children whom we feel would benefit from this.
We understand that children learn at their own pace so we closely monitor progress using Support Plans and the schools robust tracking system.
Advice can be given to parents/carers relating to how they too can best support their children.
What support will there be for my child's overall well being?
All children at St Mary's are supported in terms of their overall well being.
Children know they can talk freely to any adult within school about any issues that are concerning them.
We have a Pastoral manager who oversees specific interventions that support emotional development. These are individually matched to a child's need.
A wide variety of listening systems are in place should children need an adult to talk to: Gimme 5, Chat Zone, Pastoral group and individual support.
For children with a very specific need we can offer additional counselling or play therapy
Visiting groups/speakers are invited into school to promote health, safety and well-being issues amongst the children.
Play leaders, Forest school and lunchtime activities offer support for all children and encourage teamwork and friendship building.
St Mary's has a variety of school councils which ensures that the views of all children are listened to.
If children require medication to be administered during the school day, a plan will be put into place.
If your child has specific toileting requirements an Intimate Care Plan will be put in place.
What specialist services and expertise are available at, or accessed by the school?
St Mary's can access specialist support from special schools for children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, children with learning difficulties and children with a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
The school has strong links with The Grange School, Bridge Lea Pupil Referral Unit and The Winnicot Centre at St Mary's Hospital.
The school receives support from Catalyst Educational Psychology Service and the Speech and language Therapy Service.
School staff are trained in a variety of specialist areas such as Autism, Dyslexia and British Sign Language.
Staff can access expertise of teachers from other schools in their Primary Partnership.
What training do the staff supporting children and young people with SEND receive?
The Inclusion Team attends Local Authority Briefings to keep up to date with any legislative changes in SEN.
The Inclusion Team , teaching staff and support staff can access training through a variety of commissioned providers as well as from the local Catholic school partnership.
All staff in the school receive training to meet the needs of all the children attending the school at any point in time. Examples of training includes behaviour management, specific ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia training.
Staff are also trained to deliver specific mathematics and Literacy Interventions to support the learning of children with cognitive difficulties.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including trips?
Where possible, provision will be made for all pupils to access all area of the curriculum including extra- curricular activities.
We will always contact you before a planned activity if we think your child may require additional support to meet required health and safety standards.
This may involve a specific risk assessment being completed to identify any additional support needs your child may have to ensure full participation.
How accessible is the school?
St Mary's School is accessible and children or adults with mobility issues are able to move around and access all areas of the school.
How will the school support my child to join the school and how will the school support my child in transferring to the next stage of education?
When considering a place at St Mary's you are encouraged to contact the school and make an appointment to meet with a member of staff to discuss any issues.
You will be invited to look around the school and meet with a senior member of staff.
We will contact and Early Years settings, or other school your child has attended to gather information about their needs.
We will contact any specialist services that support your child and if appropriate invite them to a Team Around the Child meeting (TAC meeting) at school to ensure that we are all working in partnership to achieve the best outcomes for your child.
We support pupils moving to new settings and Key Stages by making opportunities available to them to attend the new setting wherever possible.
We develop a transition plan in partnership with you, your child, the new setting and specialist staff supporting your child to ensure that they enjoy a smooth transition. This may include transition books, photographs etc.
How are the school's resources allocated and matched to a child's or young person's special needs?
The school's SEN budget is allocated to meet the needs of the children on the SEN register.
The progress and attainment of all children is tracked and resources are allocated according to need. Resources include physical resources as well as human resources eg staffing and support from services.
The SEN budget is used to ensure that school staff are qualified and trained to support your child and to purchase specialist help if needed. For example Catalyst Educational Psychologist, Play Therapy, The Speech Bubble Speech and language Service (SALT) and behaviour support.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child receives?
At St Mary's we constantly monitor and review all children's progress. Class teachers record any concerns they have regarding children.
Discussions then take place with a member of the Inclusion Team about next steps. Parents will be kept fully informed of the process.
A meeting will then be arranged with the class teacher and parents to discuss the next steps.
Parents may then be invited into school to set targets within a Support Plan.
Parents will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification if they so wish.
If your child requires additional specialist support we will discuss with you pathways to more specialist support and seek your permission for this to take place.
How are parents involved in the school? How can I be involved?
St Mary's warmly welcomes parental involvement in school life.
Throughout the year we have themed weeks that parents are encouraged to be involved with such as Africa week, St Patrick's celebrations, celebrating diversity week.
We welcome parents who wish to support reading school.
Parents of children with ASD are invited to regular coffee mornings.
Parents evenings and SEN Review meeting are held throughout the year. These meetings provide opportunities for parents/carers to meet with class teachers to discuss progress, review support plans and set new targets.
We are happy to offer individual appointments to discuss specific issues with you about your child's progress.
We encourage parents/carers to contact school and arrange an appointment if they are worries or concerned about any aspect of their child's learning or development.
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