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We have a few in year places in some year groups. Please take a look at the website and fill in the online admission form if you want to happy and we will be in touch.

This autumn first half-term with Juniors I have been introducing Spanish to all of them. They have learnt some greetings, how to introduce himself or how to count from “uno” to “veinte”, as well as the sign of the cross and “Padre Nuestro” (Our Father) to start our lesson every day.


In music, with Year 5/6 we explored the world of composition working with crotchets, quavers and rests and being able to read some patterns using body percussion or our instruments.


In Year 3/4 we had a chance to meet the music figures and warm up at the beginning of the class with some jazz, classical music or pop, singing or shaking our body.


With Year 1/2 I have focussed my work in finding their singing voices, making differences between singing quietly or loudly with different songs as well as getting them used to the music class structure.


In African Week we used some African instruments and we used our body to make rhythms while we sang. With Juniors we developed an African dance and children enjoyed performing it in the playground.

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