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WEEK 7        8/6/20


LITERACY -  Grammar - Year 3 Adverbs Power Point.

                                       - Adverbs and Adverbial Phrases Power Point.

                                       - Grammar Mat 6.

                                       - English Grammar and Punctuation Test 6.

                      Spelling - Correct the spelling mistake 6 (Complete the sixth page).

                      Reading - Usain Bolt Comprehension (Complete the first test - 1 star).

                                       - The Truth About Trolls - Read the text pg 3-6

                            &        - Pg 7 - What do the words mean?

                      Writing    - Pg 8 & 9 - The Adjectives Game.

                                     - Pg 10 - 12 Write descriptive sentences using adjectives and adverbs.

                                     - Create a fact / information sheet on trolls.  Remember to use a big, bold heading that stands out

                                       and use subheadings to clearly mark each section.  Add pictures to appeal to the reader!           


More writing ideas:-   If you are feeling creative and want to do more writing!


STORY WRITING:- You may want to write your own story about a troll. 

WEEK 6          18/5/20


LITERACY -  Grammar - Main & Subordinate Clauses Power Point.

                                       - Main & Subordinate Clauses Worksheet (Challenging - some children may need help with this).

                                       - Grammar Mat 5.

                                       - English Grammar and Punctuation Test 5.

                      Spelling - Correct the spelling mistake 5 (Complete the fifth page).

                      Reading - The Stone Trolls - Read the text and story pg 3-6

                            &        - Pg 7 - What do the words mean?

                      Writing    - Pg 8 - What did you think about the story?

                                      - Pg 9 - Reading Quiz.

                                      - Pg 11 & 12 - The Adjective Game.

                                     - Pg 13 Write descriptive sentences using adjectives.

                                     - Pg 14 & 15 - The Preposition Game - use prepositions and adjectives to describe one of the settings

                                       on pg 11.  Can you add in subordinate clauses for more detail?            


More writing ideas:-   If you are feeling creative and want to do more writing!

FACT SHEET:- You may want to research and find out more about Iceland - create a fact sheet using the information you have found out.  Remember to include pictures!


STORY WRITING:- You may want to write your own story about a troll.  (Pg 16-20 of the Stone Trolls Unit will help with this.)                     

WEEK 5          11/5/20


LITERACY -  Grammar - Expanded Noun Phrases PowerPoint.

                                       - Expanded Noun Phrases Activity Sheets.

                                       - Fronted Adverbials PowerPoint.

                                       - Fronted Adverbials Activity Booklet (Pages 2-5).

                                         CHALLENGE:- Should you choose to try the challenge - complete pages 6 & 7, rewriting the text,

                                                                   adding in your own fronted adverbials.

                      Spelling - i) Statutory Spelling Word searches - can you find the words? 

                                       ii) Write some spelling sentences using the statutory spellings. 

                                          CHALLENGE:- Create your own word search using the statutory spelling list.  Begin by writing your                                                                     words in your word search and then write random letters around your words to   

                                                                    disguise them.  Time someone in your family and see how quickly they can find

                                                                    your words!  Good Luck! 

                      Reading - The Gun Powder Plot Comprehension. (Complete the first test - 1 star).

                      Writing -  Uplevelling Sentences:-

                                      i) Uplevelling Sentences PowerPoint.

                                      ii) Uplevelling Sentences PDF (There are 5 different settings:  A lonely Road pages 1-6;   

                                          Bustling Bradley Market pages 7-12; Charlottes Adventure pages 13-18; The Haunted

                                          Huntington Manor pages 19-24 and The Royal Gardens pages 25-30.)  

                                          Choose 1 setting and uplevel the sentence using expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials. 

                                          You may choose to complete all 3 sheets based on the 1 setting or you may choose to complete

                                          just 1 or 2 of the sheets - be creative in your descriptions!  Example answers are provided. 


More writing ideas:-   If you are feeling creative and want to do more writing!

NEWS REPORT:- You may want to create a news report on the Gun Powder Plot.  You could get somebody to record your News Report!


NEWSPAPER ARTICLE:- You may want to write a newspaper article about the Gun Powder Plot.


STORY:- You may want to write a story about a theme of your choice.  Use fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases to add detail to your sentences.                                        -

WEEK 4          4/5/20


LITERACY -  Grammar - Direct Speech Power Point (Go through before writing the quotes in the newspaper article).

                                       - Homophones PowerPoint.

                                       - Homophones Worksheet 1 & 2.

                                       - Homophones Cards and Homophones and Near Homophones Spellings - pick a pair of

                                         homophones and write your own sentences using them.

                                       - Grammar Mat 4.

                                       - English Grammar and Punctuation Test 4.

                      Spelling - Correct the spelling mistake 4 (Complete the fourth page).

                      Reading - The London Marathon Comprehension. (Complete the first test - 1 star).

                      Writing -  THE MISSING CABBAGES!  Your cabbages have been stolen from your allotment that you planned last week.  The police are investigating the mystery of what happened, but they suspect foul play!


NEWSPAPER ARTICLE:-  Write a newspaper article about The Missing Cabbages.  Use / look at the blank newspaper template to help you to set out your work.  Remember to split your page into columns before you start writing.


i) Write a catchy headline - this must be bold and stand out, be short and give a clue about your story.  You may want to use bubble writing.

ii)  Write an orientation (Introduction) to your article - 2 summary sentences to give the key information (Who is involved? When did it happen?  Where did it happen?  What happened?).

iii) Write a main body for your article - explain in full detail exactly what happened and when.  Who noticed the cabbages were missing and when?  What did they do?

iv) Quotes (with speech marks) - Who were the eyewitnesses?  What did they see and do?  Write 3 quotes from eye witnesses giving their opinion on what happened.

v) Write a reorientation (Ending) - This explains what is happening now and should be written in the present tense.  (Who should we contact if we have any information?  Do you know what has happened to the criminal and where are they now?  Or are the police still investigating what has happened?  Have the cabbages been replaced?

vi)  Pictures and captions - Draw 2 pictures in your article and write a short sentence underneath to explain what is happening in the picture.


WANTED POSTER:-  Create a 'Wanted Poster' for the thief who stole the cabbages.  Remember to offer a reward! 


More writing ideas:-   If you are feeling creative and want to do more writing!

NEWS REPORT:- You may want to use a bit of drama and create a News Report for the radio or tv telling people about the missing cabbages and asking for the public's help in finding the culprit.  If they were caught, maybe you can report on the story and say what happened.  You could get somebody to record your News Report!


NEWSPAPER ARTICLE:- You may want to write another newspaper article about a topic of your choice.


INSTRUCTIONS:- You could write a set of instructions on how to plant and look after cabbages.

                            - You may want to write a set of instructions on how to punctuate speech within writing.


PLANTS - You could write an explanation on what a plant needs to survive, based your science investigations from last week.

WEEK 3          27/4/20


LITERACY -  Grammar - Prepositions PowerPoint.

                                       - Prepositions Worksheet.

                                       - Grammar Mat 3.

                                       - English Grammar and Punctuation Test 3.

                      Spelling - Correct the spelling mistake 3 (Complete the third page).

                      Reading - Pet Care of a Bearded Dragon Comprehension. (Complete the first test - 1 star).

                      Writing -  Imagine you are going to turn your garden into an allotment, where you will grow all the fruit and vegetables your family will need during the lock down. (If you don't have a garden, choose a room in your house or a park nearby).  Decide which crops you will plant and where they will be planted.  Draw a map of your allotment.  Use your knowledge on perimeter to work out and measure the perimeter of each fruit and vegetable plot.

INSTRUCTIONS:- Write a set of instructions or a clear explanation on how to grow and look after your fruit and vegetables.

                               - What do you need?  (This should be the first section.  Write a list of everything you need - think about

                                                                   soil, seeds, watering can, spade...)

                               - How do you plant the seeds and how many?

                               - What do your seeds / plants need?  (Think about what a plant needs to survive - sun, water...)

                               - How often should you water your plants?

                              - Include pictures / diagrams to make your instructions / explanation clearer.


More writing ideas:- 

PERIMETER - You could write a set of instructions on how to find the perimeter of different shapes.

PLANTS - You could write an explanation on the different parts of the plant and their jobs.

WEEK 2          20/4/20


LITERACY -  Grammar - a or an PowerPoint.

                                       - Grammar Mat 2

                                       - English Grammar and Punctuation Test 2.

                      Reading - Garden Birds Comprehension. (Complete the first test - 1 star).

                      Writing -  Settings Description Frame - Choose one of the settings and write a descriptive paragraph to describe that setting.

                      Spelling - Correct the spelling mistake 2 (Complete the second page).

WEEK 1          6/4/20


LITERACY -  Grammar - English Grammar and Punctuation Test 1.

                                       - Grammar Mat 1 (This has 3 differentiated worksheets - the first is easiest and the last one is hardest)

                      Reading & Writing -  Spring Activity Booklet.  (Print off or read online and answer the questions and write your  sentences in your home learning book.)

                      Spelling - Correct the spelling mistake 1 (Only complete the first page).

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