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United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) articles supported by our Geography curriculum:

Success In Geography

Geography at St Mary's 


At St Mary's, we aim for our Geography Curriculum to give our children the opportunity to learn skills required to become a geographer. 

Our Geography Curriculum allows children to:

  • Be given tools to develop their own cultural awareness.
  • Understand and put forward ways to support their environment.
  • Recognise the importance of sustainable development.
  • Think about their own place in the world, including their values, rights and responsibilities to other people in the environment.
  • Develop their curiosity and fascination about the world and its people.
  • Investigate a range of places - both in Britain and abroad.
  • Develop their knowledge and understanding of the earth's physical and human processes. 
  • Investigate and make enquiries about their local area of Levenshulme and Manchester so they can develop a sense of who they are, their heritage and what makes our local area unique and special.  
  • Develop their ability to apply geographical skills to communicate their findings.
  • Develop a strong knowledge of where places are and what they are like, both in Britain and the wider world. 
  • Gain a strong base of geographical knowledge and vocabulary explored through a range of sources of information. 
  • Develop fieldwork skills.
  • Undertake geographical enquiry and investigate and express their views about people, places and environments. 


  • At St Mary's, the teaching and implementation of the Geography Curriculum is based on the National Curriculum, and supported by 'Progression in Geography' ladders. These ladders (which are uploaded on this page) ensure a well-structured approach to progression in geography. 
  • Using the National Curriculum as a guide, our Geography Curriculum has been broken down across year groups from Nursery to Year 6, to ensure good coverage of knowledge, concepts and skills. 
  • The children are taught Geography termly. 
  • Each topic draws on prior knowledge and makes links/comparisons/contrasts to other topics previously taught. 



Geography 7 Key Concepts and Long Term Plan 23-24

Geography Progression Ladders

1 6 6 3 8 6 Visitors