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Hi everyone!!

We're having a great time at Kingswood (Dearne Valley). Today was freezing!! But we still had a fantastic time! Activities included zip wire, fencing, team-tech, low ropes and the high ropes. We all managed to challenge ourselves and do the very best that we can.
The accommodation is great! It's clean, tidy and nice and warm. The food is also great. For breakfast this morning we had sausages, beans and hash browns plus a choice of fruit. For lunch we had chips and fish fingers and for dinner we had minced beef pie with gravy, mash and peas or potato and leek pie.

At the end of the the day we had a big fire with songs and jokes. One of the songs was about being eaten by a giant Anaconda!!

Think we'll sleep like a log tonight. Can't wait for tomorrow.

Missing you all.

From Year 6.


What a fabulous day today!! We woke up and the ground was frozen hard out here in the Dearne Valley.
It didn't freeze Year 6 in their tracks though! After a hearty breakfast, we were all keen to find out what lay ahead for the day.
Group 1 headed off for the High Ropes where they were all fitted with harnesses and helmets ready for the big climb. They were given the choice of level 1.2 of 3. All children had a great attempt first time around and with their second attempt they improved the height to which they climbed.
Group 2 headed for team tech where the challenge was to build a catapult.
Group 3 completed the low rope course and had great fun.
After break, we all rotated and changed activities so no-one missed out.
Orienteering followed after lunch with the children given the freedom to go round in groups around the grounds finding places on a map.
After another break, we all enjoyed fencing because most of us hadn't done it before and after a substantial dinner we all did the scrap heap challenge.

What a great day!

Can't wait for Day 3.

From Year 6.
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Hello to all our Year 6 Parents from Dearne Valley in South Yorkshire.

The first day at Kingswood has been great! We had quite a long journey here but it went fairly quickly. We only asked, 'are we there yet', fifty times!
When we arrived, we couldn't believe the size of the place. We were taken on a tour of the grounds and we had a little bit of time to sort our beds and luggage out. After that, we went straight to the hall where we went on the climbing wall and climbed along the blue foot holds. It was good practice because after that, we put on our harnesses and had a go at climbing right to the top of the climbing wall.  Some of us were able to touch the roof!
Before we knew it, the dining hall was calling us and the smell of lasagne filled the air and soon it filled our tummies! Dinner was delicious.

We had a bit of room-time then to play with our friends and then it was on to the mini-olympics. Three teams competed against each other and at the end of it our teachers hid all our shoes!!

Soon after, we were tucked up in bed feeling really tired but looking forward to go again tomorrow.....can't wait.

See you tomorrow

From Year 6.

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