WEEK 7 8/6/20
Lesson 1 - Compare and group together different types of rocks based on their appearance and physical properties.
- Grouping Rocks PowerPoint.
i) When you are out getting your daily exercise - look around you!
- where can you see rocks?
- What have rocks been used for?
- What do you notice about the rocks? (Shape, size, colour etc) Are they all the same?
ii) Collect some different types of rocks from your garden and local area.
- look closely at your rocks - what can you see? Are there any crystals in the rocks?
- Sort your rocks into different groups. How have you decided to group them?
iv) Can you describe the properties of your rock?
- is your rock porous and permeable? (Porous - can you see tiny holes in the rock which will allow air and
water to pass through? Permeable - does water pass through the rock?)
- Try putting a couple of drops of water onto your rock (do not put lots of water on it!)
- What happens? If the water droplets stay on top of the rock like a puddle or drip off the side? Then
your rock is IMPERMEABLE and does not allow water to pass through.
If the water droplets soak into the rock? Then your rock is PERMEABLE and allows
water to pass through.
- is your rock hard or soft? - scratch it on the ground, does it leave powder?
- Can you scratch your rock with another rock? (whichever rock leaves the powder,
is the softer rock.)
- Can you break your rock?
- If the rock crumbles easily (e.g. chalk) then your rock is soft.
- how dense is your rock? - Does it float or sink in water? (Low density rocks float, high density sink).
(Density measures how tightly packed together the molecules of the rock are. If they are tightly packed
together, then there is less air trapped in the rock and it will sink (high density). If the molecules are more
spread out, they trap air between particles and are able to float (low density))
iii) Can you find out more about your different rocks? Do you know what type of rock it is? You could use the
internet to find out about your different rocks.
iv) You might want to draw your rocks and describe what you see! Describe the properties of your rocks based
on your home experiments. Try to use scientific vocabulary.
WEEK 6 18/5/20
Rocks - Linked to the Stone Trolls text in Literacy
- Find out about volcanoes (3 PowerPoints) - What are they? Why do we have volcanoes? Why are there so
many in Iceland?
- Draw a diagram of a volcano and label it's parts.
- You may want to make your own volcano at home.
- You may want to create an information sheet about volcanoes around the world.
- What are caves and how are they formed?
- Find out about the rocks in Iceland - why does Iceland have black sand beaches?
Other ideas:-
Plants Topic - Create a fact / information sheet / draw a diagram to show the life cycle of a plant incorporating all that you
have learnt in this unit.
- Create a fact / information sheet on how plants disperse their seeds to reproduce.
Year 3 have yet to study plants. Any work that can be done at home around this area in Science will help them to learn a topic they may not get to cover. The unit can be covered over 4 weeks, focussing on a different area each week (These are numbered below). The blue links contain relevant PowerPoints and worksheets to help with each objective. Worksheets can be printed off or looked at on screen to help the children set out their work in their home learning books.
i) The parts of the plant and their function (e.g. roots, stem/trunk, flowers and leaves).
ii) What a plant needs to survive and grow? (e.g. air, light, water, nutrients from the soil and room to grow).
You may want to try growing plants / see if plants survive without one or more of the things they need and record/observe
what happens to the plant over time.
iii) How water travels through a plant?
You could put celery or carnations into dyed water and see how the dye travels up the stem to the flower.
iv) Find out about the life cycle of flowering plants; including pollination and seed formation and how they disperse their seeds for reproduction.
- You may like to try growing a sunflower at home. The children can using their measuring skills in maths to measure the sunflower every day / every week and record the height in a table.
- Your child could draw a graph to show how the height of the sunflower has changed each week.
- Can they predict how tall the sunflower will be in 1 weeks time? 3 weeks time? 6 weeks time? etc
Have a family competition to see who can grow the tallest sunflower!
- You may want to put your art skills to the test and draw the beautiful sunflower. Use shade and tone in drawings to colour.
- Use a camera, smart phone or iPad to take photos of your sunflower. Can you edit the photos to change the way the photo looks? (e.g. black and white, change colour, brightness etc) If you have a printer you could print off the different images and create a collage in your home learning book.
WEEK 1 6/4/20
Click on the Animals link and learn about your muscles.