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Saturday Morning at Woodbank Park


Well done to the runners who turned out on a Saturday morning this year, to compete in the Stockport Schools Cross Country League.


The runners have showed great determination and resilience; particularly on the wet, cold mornings.


Well done!



The cross country team went down to Woodbank Park on Saturday to compete in their 3rd meet of the year.  The children showed great determination and resilience and never gave up!  Well done to all runners who turned out!



Year 3 & 4

Daniel      6

Harry       59

Ava          58


Year 5 & 6

Edwina      15

Alicia       55






Last Saturday Mr Kelly and Miss Hollingsworth went down to Woodbank Park to cheer on the Cross Country team.  It was pouring with rain and cold, but it didn't stop the children!  The children competed against other schools from Stockport.  Oscar and James competed in the Year 3/4 race, whilst David competed in the Year 5 / 6 race.  All the children showed great resilience and challenged themselves to do the best they could.  They used all of their learning powers to a fun morning.  Well done!




Year 3/4                     Oscar        58th

                                     James       66th


Year 5/6                     David         38th  


Cross Country Report

Last Tuesday we went on the bus to cross country. Around 3:00pm we arrived at the running course. We did our warm up. When the boy’s race started the girls started getting excited. One by one the boys came past and we all cheered. The boys were puft out and all the girls were finding out where they came. Next it was the girl’s race. We bunched in our starting positions and www off went the whistle. The girls pounded off in a hurry and away we went. One girl from St Mary’s was leading the race. At the finishing line I beat her but other runners had overtaken her. At last we came to the end. I came in 5th place and Molly Grace came 6th and Izzy came 8th for St Mary’s. Our score was 19. I got back in time to cheer on girls and friends. There were approximately 41 or 42 children.


Interview With Molly-Grace   

Susannah: Where did you want to come?

Molly-Grace: 1st

Susannah: If you tried again next year where would you estimate you will come?

Molly-Grace: 4th or 5th

Susannah: Do you have anything else to say about running?

Molly-grace: I really enjoyed it

Susannah: What would you give it out of 10?

Molly-Grace: 8


By Susannah

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