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Mr Naughton: Year 5 Teacher

Hello, my name is Mr Naughton and here is a little information about me. I love History! People and places in the past fascinate me and have since I was very young. I really love reading as that is how I fell in love with History. Ancient myths about warriors, gods and monsters sparked my interest and made me want to read more. Currently I am reading several History books including the Saxons by Marc Morris and Ancestors by Alice Roberts. I also enjoy fiction especially action and adventure. Tony Bradman and Dr Janina Ramirez have both written books about my favourite era in History, Saxons and Vikings, and I can recommend them to you. I love anything to do with art and design. I also like building and construction as before I became a teacher I worked in Civil Engineering (making roads, tunnels and buildings.) I really like outdoor activities like camping and forest skills. My favourite animals are hedgehogs and tigers. I try to learn new languages as I also love going on holiday abroad especially to France and Spain. My favourite colour is blue, all shades, and  I love singing.


My favourite article from the UNCRC:


My favourite article is Article 10: If a child lives in a different country than their parents, governments must let the child and parents travel so that they can stay in contact and be together.


I have chosen this as many children fleeing adversity often find themselves separated from their families. It takes a village to raise a child. We are the village and we must look after those who need it who need it most especially children.


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