WEEK 7 8/6/20
- Do you know the difference between each?
- Lines Power Point.
- Lines Power Point 2.
- Look around the house - find examples of each type of line.
- Identifying horizontal and vertical lines worksheet.
- Identifying parallel and perpendicular lines worksheet (answers also attached)
- Flags Worksheet - identify the different types of lines on the flags - You might want to copy the flags and
label the different types of lines.
- Draw your own flag or picture using examples of each type of line. Label them on your flag or draw them in
different colours.
CHALLENGE - Should you choose to accept it!
- Lines Mastery PowerPoint.
- Challenge - Horizontal and Vertical Lines.
- Challenge - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines.
Spring Activity Mat 6 - These are 3 differentiated worksheets, the first is easiest and the last sheet is the
Year 3 Arithmetic Test 6.
WEEK 6 18/5/20
MATHS - TIME - Practice reading and telling the time.
Children should be able to:-
- Tell the time using the 12 hour and 24 hour clock to the nearest minute.
- Know the number of seconds in a minute.
- know the number of hours in a day.
- know the number of days in each month.
- Know the number of days in a year and leap year.
- Calculate how long something lasts. (e.g. How long it takes to complete a task, using the start
and finish time to work it out; looking at a tv guide - how long does a programme last?...)
There are 3 different units depending on how competent your child is at telling the time.
i) O'clock and half past for the children who cannot tell the time.
ii) 5 minute intervals for the children who know o'clock and half past and still struggle with minutes past the hour.
iii) Digital time for the children who are confident at telling the time using an analogue clock.
All children should learn by heart, the months of the year rhyme.
Spring Activity Mat 5 - These are 3 differentiated worksheets, the first is easiest and the last sheet is the hardest.
Mental Arithmetic Test 5.
WEEK 5 11/5/20
MATHS - 3D Shapes - Everyday 3D Shapes PowerPoint.
- Names of 3D Shapes - use the sheet to help you name different 3D Shapes.
- 3D Shape Hunt - Look around your house and garden. Find as many 3D shapes as you can and
name them.
- You might want to draw those objects and label the 3D shape.
- You might want to create a table and tally how many of each shape you can find.
- You might want to create a graph or pictogram to show the number of 3D shapes you have
- Properties of 3D Shapes PowerPoint.
- Making 3D Models - Make your own 3D shapes and then use these models to complete the
Properties of 3D Shapes Challenge below.
- Properties of 3D Shapes Challenge - name the shapes and describe their properties.
- Name that 3D Shape Quiz PowerPoint.
- Name that Shape - 2D and 3D shapes.
- GUESS THE 3D SHAPE - Play with a partner. Describe a 3D shape using it's properties. Can
you partner guess the 3D shape you are describing?
- Try drawing 3D Shapes - Draw the 3D shapes and label them.
- NETS - You may want to use paper or card to make a 3D shape - it's net is the flat outline you
create before folding it into a 3D shape. Which nets and which 3D shapes can you make?
WEEK 4 4/5/20
MATHS - 2D Shapes - Everyday 2D Shapes PowerPoint.
- Names of 2D Shapes - use the sheet to help you name different 2D Shapes.
- 2D Shape Hunt - Look around your house and garden. Find as many 2D shapes as you can and
name them.
- You might want to draw those objects and label the 2D shape.
- You might want to create a table and tally how many of each shape you can find.
- You might want to create a graph or pictogram to show the number of 2D shapes you have
- Properties of 2D Shapes PowerPoint.
- Properties of 2D Shapes Worksheet - name the shapes and describe their properties.
- Name that 2D Shape Quiz PowerPoint.
- What am I? 2D Shapes PowerPoint.
- GUESS THE 2D SHAPE - Play with a partner. Describe a 2D shape using it's properties. Can
you partner guess the 2D shape you are describing?
- Drawing 2D Shapes - Draw the 2D shapes and label them.
- You might want to draw a 2D Shape picture using different 2D Shapes.
- You could draw a picture and colour in all of the different 2D shapes. (E.g. squares colour blue,
circles colour yellow...)
- You might want to create a repeating pattern / tessellation using 1 shape. (E.g. Draw triangles
or rectangles touching so there is no space in between - think about how the hexagon patches
on a football join...)
Spring Activity Mat 4 - These are 3 differentiated worksheets, the first is easiest and the last sheet is the hardest.
Mental Arithmetic Test 4.
WEEK 3 27/4/20
MATHS - Perimeter - Measuring the distance around the outside of a shape.
- Finding the Perimeter PowerPoint.
- Perimeter Worksheet Cow Pens.
- Sports Pitch Perimeter.
- A New School Playground.
- Challenge activities if you would like more perimeter work to do.
Spring Activity Mat 3 - These are 3 differentiated worksheets, the first is easiest and the last sheet is the hardest.
Mental Arithmetic Test 3.
WEEK 2 20/4/20
MATHS - Measures - Length, weight and capacity.
Length - estimate the length of various objects around the house and then measure the actual length to see if you were correct.
Draw and measure lines of varying lengths in mm and cm.
Weight - Use scales to estimate and then measure the actual weight of objects around the house.
Capacity - Fill different containers with water - estimate how much water is in that container and then use a measuring jug to measure the actual volume of water in that container.
Spring Activity Mat 2 - These are 3 differentiated worksheets, the first is easiest and the last sheet is the hardest.
Mental Arithmetic Test 2.
WEEK 1 6/4/20
MATHS - Place Value - Maths Work book 3
Spring Activity Mat 1 - These are 3 differentiated worksheets, the first is easiest and the last sheet is the hardest.
Mental Arithmetic Test 1.
Here are a range of activities that the children can work through to reinforce and practice their skills in a variety of areas of mathematics.
Topics not yet covered:- Time, Fractions, Shape and Measures.