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We have a few in year places in some year groups. Please take a look at the website and fill in the online admission form if you want to happy and we will be in touch.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) articles supported by our well-being focused provisions:


At St Mary's we are committed to all aspects of children's development. 


Some of the strategies we use to support children's health and well being are:


  • All after school sports are free - they change every term and the children get to vote via the Sport's Council.
  • Music - every child learns an instrument in Key Stage 2.
  • Relax Kids: Sessions for all Pupils from Y1 -Y6
  • Rainbows and Sunbeams: These emotional support groups help pupils who may have undergone a recent bereavement or trauma. 
  • Gimme 5: Every classroom has a poster up where children can leave their name if they need a 5 minute chat with their teacher. This can be about anything from sharing good news or a problem.
  • Chatzone: Children can post a note in the ChatZone box if they've got an issue that they want support with.
  • Friendship Council: Mrs Gordon runs the Friendship council. These children look at how everyone can make sure they get along together. They have been trained in the Princess Diana anti-bullying programme.


Nature Led interventions and support:

  • Gardening Club
  • Forest School


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