United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) articles supported by our well-being focused provisions:

At St Mary's we are committed to all aspects of children's development.
Some of the strategies we use to support children's health and well being are:
- All after school sports are free - they change every term and the children get to vote via the Sport's Council.
- Music - every child learns an instrument in Key Stage 2.
- Relax Kids: Sessions for all Pupils from Y1 -Y6
- Rainbows and Sunbeams: These emotional support groups help pupils who may have undergone a recent bereavement or trauma.
- Gimme 5: Every classroom has a poster up where children can leave their name if they need a 5 minute chat with their teacher. This can be about anything from sharing good news or a problem.
- Chatzone: Children can post a note in the ChatZone box if they've got an issue that they want support with.
- Friendship Council: Mrs Gordon runs the Friendship council. These children look at how everyone can make sure they get along together. They have been trained in the Princess Diana anti-bullying programme.
Nature Led interventions and support:
- Gardening Club
- Forest School