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We have a few in year places in some year groups. Please take a look at the website and fill in the online admission form if you want to happy and we will be in touch.

School Opening Hours


School opening hours are as follows:


Core hours for pupils of statutory School Age: 08:40 - 15:10 Monday to Friday 


This equates to 32.5 hours a week for for 190 school days.


School Gates open at 08:30 am and close at 08:40 am 


Morning Registration 08:40


Lesson end at 15:10 pupils will then begin to leave the building by class - lessons end at 15:10


School gates open for collection at 15:10 and close at 15:25



Breakfast and after school club information is on the dedicated page under the 'Parents' tab - these are both paid services which need a pre-registration to complete before attendance.


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