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Spring Term 20.1.16


Dear Parents/Carers,


We have had a great week in Nursery. We have enjoyed listening to the story of the Gingerbread Man and acting out the story in our small world and in our cottage.


We have been learning that a number gets bigger when you add more, and smaller when you take something away. We have been counting by pointing to the object as we say the number.


In our phonics sessions, we have been learning how our bodies make sounds too, such as clapping hands, stamping feet, clicking our fingers etc.




In the mornings, the children have now started to trace over their names. This is to support them in writing their own names independently. There will be tracing paper over the top of the children’s name card and pencils on the table.


We have begun our ‘shoe garden’ in Nursery. If you would like your child to make a shoe garden, please bring in one, or a pair of, old shoes.


Next week, we will be decorating gingerbread men to take home and eat. If your child has any allergies or you would prefer your child not to take part, please let a member of Nursery staff know.


Optional homework ideas linked to our topic


Talk about the Gingerbread Man story. Can your child tell you who is in the story/what happens/if they like it and why?

Practise writing their name. If your child finds this tricky, they could practise the first letter.

Practise putting on and fastening up their coat.

Practise hopping and skipping in the garden or at the park.

Practise cutting out carefully with scissors e.g. making snips in a piece of paper or cutting around a shape.

Read stories together –can the children tell you the main characters and main events in the story? What is going to happen next?


Many thanks for your continued support,

Mrs Farrell and the Nursery Team

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