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We have a few in year places in some year groups. Please take a look at the website and fill in the online admission form if you want to happy and we will be in touch.

Extra Curricular Activity

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) articles supported:

At St. Mary’s we believe that education goes beyond the academic curriculum. Therefore, we offer our students a wide range of extra-curricular activities.


Some of these can be seen below:


Multisports, Football (Boys and Girls), Cricket, Hockey, Athletics, Rounders, Gardening, Lacrosse, Swimming, Dodgeball, Handball, Boccia, Chess, Debate Mate, Irish Dancing, Cross Country, Karate, Basketball, New Age Kurling, Bond Online Learning Y6, Story writing, Arts and Crafts,  Forest School, IPC club Keys Stage 1, IPC club Key Stage 2, Reading Club, Minecraft Club, Tin Whistle, Young Voices Choir, Guitar, Code Club


After School Clubs

There are no After-School Activites on every first & Last week of each Term.

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