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Welcome back to Year 6 2023/2024



Mr Balmforth, Mrs Hall and Mr Beresford  are so happy to welcome everyone back after what we hope was a relaxing and enjoyable Easter period. As we embark on these final months together before the transition to high school, it's a time filled with both excitement and significance. This term holds a pivotal moment for us as we prepare for the SATs, marking an important milestone in your child’s academic journey. However, beyond the assessments, our focus remains on cherishing every moment, making lasting memories, and celebrating the incredible journey we've shared together. Once we have finished preparing for the SATs we will have lots of opportunities to create these lasting memories through our end of year performance and our end of year celebrations.


Our aim is that all children will get an extremely well balanced as we understand the importance of learning opportunities that can be gained from delivering a broad curriculum. As part of maintaining our rich curriculum, your children will have many enrichment opportunities to reach out to the world around them through prayer, words, work and play.  


Important Dates

SATs week 13th – 17th May

End of year trip (details TBC)

WC 24th June Olympics week

July 18th Leavers Assembly


Year 6 Timetable

Here is a normal daily timetable for Year 6  students:

8:30: School opens

8.30-8:45: Form Time

8:45am – 9.30am: RE.                          

9.30am – 10.30am: Maths                  

10.30am – 10:45am: First break           

10.45am – 12.15pm: Reading & English

12.15pm – 1.05pm: Lunch

1.30pm - 3.05pm: Reading/Science/Topic/PE/Spanish/PSHE

3.10pm: Prayer and home time 


Frequently asked questions:


When is our P.E. slot?

Our P.E. slot is on a Wednesday afternoon.  Please refer to the link on this website for P.E. uniform information.


When do we bring our reading books and reading records in?

The children should keep their reading records up to date and will be expected to bring them, and their reading book, in every day even if they have not finished their book. This will allow us to monitor how much your child is reading at home. We would like parents listen to their child read, initial their reading record and to discuss their book with them at least once a week. We expect your child to read for a minimum of 30 minutes each evening. This will really help them to make good progress in all aspects of their English.


When are our assemblies?

Year 6 will be delivering  the remembrance assembly on the 10th November.


When are our class masses at Church ?

6H - 10th October, 9.30am

6B - 17th October, 9.30 am


What is  our home learning offer and when is our  home learning due in?

Every week, we expect:

spelling shed to be completed (spelling test on Tuesday)

reading eggs to be completed by Friday every week

My Maths to be completed every week

Timestable rockstars to be completed every week

Project work on Seesaw completed every half term - this half term's focus - Vikings.  Be creative.


Curriculum information:




This term, we will be reflecting on being in communion with God and the Sacrament of the Eucharist. We will also reflect on the significant part of the liturgical calendar – Pentecost.




We will be learning all about the plight of the unsinkable ship, The Titanic.  Our work during the first half term will lead to our final write - a balanced  argument exploring who was to blame for it sinking. During our reading sessions, we will be focusing on developing our comprehension skills by looking wider range of text and  improving our examination technique. After SATs, we will be working  on developing our speaking and listening skills through performance of our end of year play.




We will be embedding all of our learning that has taken place this year and revisiting topics that we found difficult in preparation for our SATs. We will be applying our knowledge through tackling a variety of reasoning and problem solving questions.



We had a great time last term exploring the continent of North America. This term, we will be staying closer to home and looking at the rich history of our beloved city, Manchester.


In our computing units – we will be using our coding and programming skills to design, create and evaluate our own web based computer games! Alongside this, we will be exploring our digital literacy units to keep ourselves and others safe online.




In our science unit on lifecycles, students explore the fascinating journey of living organisms from birth to maturity. They investigate the stages of growth, reproduction, and development in various plants and animals, including insects, amphibians, and mammals. Through hands-on activities, observations, and experiments, they learn about the importance of adaptation, survival, and environmental factors in shaping lifecycles. This unit integrates biology concepts with real-world examples, fostering curiosity and understanding of the interconnectedness of life forms in our ecosystem.




We will be looking at the theme “Created to Live in Community” explores the individual’s relationship with the wider world. Here we explore how human beings are relational by nature and are called to love others in the wider community through service, through dialogue and through working for the Common Good. In Life to the Full Plus, learning on money and careers is concluded, using previous learning from the module to understand God’s call to live generously. 


Useful information:


Drag the documents to reorder them.

  • year-6-grammar-glossary.docx16th January 2017(19.5 KB)year-6-grammar-glossary.docx







Helping at home - English

Oak National Academy - English

Oak National Academy - Grammar

Oak National Academy - Spelling

BBC Bitesize

Spelling Shed:


Helping at home - Maths

Oak National Academy - Maths

BBC Bitesize - Maths



  • year-6-grammar-glossary.docx16th January 2017(19.5 KB)year-6-grammar-glossary.docx


  • year-6-grammar-glossary.docx16th January 2017(19.5 KB)year-6-grammar-glossary.docx


  • year-6-grammar-glossary.docx16th January 2017(19.5 KB)year-6-grammar-glossary.docx

Useful information:



  • year-6-grammar-glossary.docx16th January 2017(19.5 KB)year-6-grammar-glossary.docx


  • year-6-grammar-glossary.docx16th January 2017(19.5 KB)year-6-grammar-glossary.docx


  • year-6-grammar-glossary.docx16th January 2017(19.5 KB)year-6-grammar-glossary.docx
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