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Year 5 Saint Teresa of Calcutta

Mr Naughton. Mr Douglas and Mr Kaufman

Welcome back to our year 5 pupils at our outstanding school! It is lovely to have you all back after our Easter break and I hope you are excited and ready for your final term in year 5! On this page, you will find all the necessary information you will need for the summer term which will finish in July 2024


Our aim is that all children will get an extremely well balanced learning experience as we understand the importance of learning opportunities that can be gained from delivering a broad curriculum. As part of maintaining our rich curriculum, your children will have many enrichment opportunities to reach out to the world around them through prayer, words, work and play.  



Week commencing 24th June = Olympics week



Here is a typical daily timetable for year 5 pupils:

8:30: School opens

8.30-8:45: Form Time

8:45am – 9.30am: RE.                          

9.30am – 10.30am: Maths                  

10.30am – 10:45am: Break time        

10.45am – 12.15pm: Reading & English

12.15pm – 1.05pm: Lunch

1.30pm - 3.05pm: Reading/Science/Topic/PE/Spanish/PSHE

3.10pm: Prayer and home time 



When are the P.E. slots each week?

Our P.E. slots are on a Thursday and a Friday each week.


When do reading records and reading books need bringing into school?

The children should keep their reading records up to date and will be expected to bring them, and their reading book, in every day even if they have not finished their book. This will allow us to monitor how much your child is reading at home. We would like parents listen to their child read, initial their reading record and to discuss their book with them at least once a week. We expect your child to read for a minimum of 30 minutes each evening. This will really help them to make good progress in all aspects of their literacy skills and throughout the entire curriculum.


What are the activities for home learning?

Each week, we expect:

  • Spelling shed to be completed (spelling tests are on a Thursday each week)
  • Reading every day for a minimum of 30 minutes. Reading logs to be completed with dates and page numbers and signed by a parent/carer each week. These will be checked and signed throughout the week by Miss Bickerton.
  • Timestables Rockstars to be completed by Friday each week.
  • My Maths activity to be completed by Friday each week.


Curriculum information:



This term, we will be reflecting on how Christians believe that the Spirit of God is active in each person and, in a special way, in the community of believers, which is the Church. We will think about how the work of the Spirit enables people to hear God’s message and to live Jesus’ way of service. After this unit, we will explore how Christians believe that, in Jesus Christ, the world has been reconciled to God. We will reflect on how through and in Christ, every human being is offered the power to reach out in forgiveness and peace, to receive and to offer reconciliation. Towards the end of term, we will be discussing how Christians believe that the diversity of the world and its people is God’s gift. We will think about how Jesus in his life and gospel, challenges people to appreciate diversity and to create with it a harmony that reflects the unity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We will link this learning to the work of CAFOD. 



During our reading sessions, we will be focusing on strengthening our comprehension skills by looking at a wide range of text types and exploring strategies to help us answer comprehension questions from each of the reading domains (vocabulary, inference, predict, explain, retrieval, summarise). We will also be continuing to foster our love for reading through independently reading and listening to our class read.


In writing this term we will turn our focus to embedding and showcasing our understanding of year 5 grammatical concepts in a range of text genres including fictional narratives and letters as well as non-fictional text types. We will be working on our attention to detail with our punctuation and spelling as well as our interpersonal skills as learning partners supporting each other to improve in our writing. 



Following the White Rose Scheme of learning, we will be embedding our learning from previous years and extending this knowledge of shape, position and direction and converting units. We will be consolidating our knowledge of decimals and extending our understanding of measurement to include volume. One session a week will be solely dedicated to supporting the children to embed their arithmetic skills.



We will finish our travels in the continent of North America before we explore somewhere closer to home...Manchester! We will be consolidating our geographical and historial skills we have worked on throughout the year.



In our science unit on life cycles, students explore the fascinating journey of living organisms from birth to maturity. They investigate the stages of growth, reproduction, and development in various plants and animals, including insects, amphibians, and mammals. Through hands-on activities, observations, and experiments, they learn about the importance of adaptation, survival, and environmental factors in shaping lifecycles. This unit integrates biology concepts with real-world examples, fostering curiosity and understanding of the interconnectedness of life forms in our ecosystem.



We will be looking at the theme “Created to Live in Community” explores the individual’s relationship with the wider world. Here we explore how human beings are relational by nature and are called to love others in the wider community through service, through dialogue and through working for the Common Good. In Life to the Full Plus, learning on money and careers is concluded, using previous learning from the module to understand God’s call to live generously. Please refer to the parent portal for additional material to support your child with this learning. Log in details can be found below.


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