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Welcome to the Autumn term in Year 1!


St Clare


Welcome our Year 1 page! I hope you had a fantastic Summer holiday and are looking forward to the Autumn term and all of the learning and fun we will have in Year 1. 


On our class page you will be able to find information about this term's learning.



Important Information 


Key Dates:

1N - PE- Monday (outdoor) and Thursday (indoor)

Class Assembly- February 5th, 2025


Home Learning and Book Bags

Book bags will be sent home with a new reading book each Wednesday and these should be returned by the following Wednesday. The reading books will be changed each week. Home learning projects will be set each term linked to pupils class learning. These should be completed throughout the term in learning logs or on Seesaw. Home learning will be shared in class in the final week of the term, where the children will be able to celebrate their learning with their class. 


Water bottles

Water bottles should be clearly labelled with your child's name and brought into class on Mondays, these will then be returned to go home for a wash and clean on Fridays. The children have access to their water bottles throughout the day and are filled every morning with fresh water. 


Reading, Phonics and Spellings

We will be using the Reading Eggs website to support the children's learning in Phonics and Reading and this should be accessed at home to help them consolidate their spelling of sounds/words, as well as their fluency and understanding of books read.



Children should come into school wearing their PE kits on their specific days. Please ensure your child's name is in all items of clothing including their basic school uniform. If your child's name is not on their items of clothing this makes it very difficult to locate lost items. If you are unsure of what your child needs for their PE kit please see our School uniform policy.



This term we will first be learning about families, belonging, and waiting. We will learn about what family means to us and how we are all a part of God's family. We will discuss ways we can show our families appreciation and kindness. Following our unit on families we will be learning about belonging. In our belonging lessons we will discuss what belonging means to us and how we all belong to different clubs, communities, and groups but we all belong in God's family. The final unit of this term is focused on waiting. The class will focus on Advent, and waiting for Jesus to be born We will discuss our feelings around waiting and how waiting can sometimes be hard but rewarding. 






In Literacy, we will be focusing on letter formation, handwriting and sentence structure.  We will be practising using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops with independence. The children will practise these skills through a range of genres including retells, instructions and group work. We will be using texts to support our developing writing. These will include traditional tales and stories with predictable phrases. 






This term, we will continue to practice place value to 10, mastering concepts such as 1 more and 1 less as well as how to use a number line. Later in the term. Year 1 will learn about simple addition and subtraction within 10 as well as explore different 2D and 3D shapes.



Please continue to help your child by practicing number formation and writing numbers up to 10. 






In Science, we will be learning all about materials! We will be identifying different types of materials and how each material has different characteristics that support their use. The class will have the opportunity to make their own umbrella discovering which materials would be best to protect us from the rain! We will emphasize the importance of knowing the difference between a material and an object.




In Geography we will be learning about our local area. The children will be able to identify key human and physical features in their local area as well as their purpose within the local area. Year 1 will understand how to read simple maps as well as create their own map and key of their local area. Year 1 will have the opportunity to have a walk around their local area and develop their observation skills to apply what they see to their own maps!





Throughout the Autumn term we will be working through our module 'Created and Loved by God '. This unit explores families and friendships and how we can be show love and kindness as a friend, brother, sister, son, daughter, etc. 




Home Learning


Learning logs will be sent home at the beginning of the term. The children will then get the opportunity to share the work they have done with their peers and celebrate their home learning in class at the end of the term. Home learning can be shared through Seesaw rather than the learning log and this will also be shared in class. 




Reading is an integral part of our school day. As well as a daily designated class reading time the children will access a wide range of texts throughout the day. They will have opportunities to read texts during shared teaching, as part of a small group and individually. Your child will read with an adult in school at least once a week during a guided reading session.  


It is important that your child brings their reading book into school every day so that we can maximise additional opportunities for them to read. Please encourage your child to read every day at home and make it a special time together. 


Please can you sign the reading record when you have read and discussed the book with your child. Children also need to complete the reading activities in the log book. The reading books will be changed at least once a week. Remember little and often is the best way to develop a love for reading!





We will be teaching phonics daily using the scheme Little Wandle. The children will be learning new sounds and practising their blending and segmenting skills, which will support in their reading and writing. Each week, the children will be given different spellings related to what the focus is in their group that week. The spellings will be sent home as part of their weekly home learning and there will be a spelling quiz of these words the following week. 


For supporting any home learning relating to Phonics, you should use Fast Phonics, which can be accessed through the Reading Eggs website. Your Reading Eggs login will be sent home at the beginning of the half-term. It has lots of interactive phonics games, videos and books to read.

Fast Phonics is an online systematic, synthetic phonics programme built to support children in practicing learning from phonics lessons in school. Through games, pupils will practice blending sounds together to make words and segmenting words into phonemes for spellings. They will then read fully decodable books to reinforce the new skills learned. This is a excellent resources to support children in building their phonics awareness and fluency.


More information and a link to the website can be found below:


Phonics Play is another fantastic website with lots of free games/resources.



Here are some video links for how to use Seesaw... 


How to use the Seesaw app for students


How to use Seesaw in browsers for students


Curriculum Overview

Links to Online apps and websites


Reading Eggs



Logins for Reading Eggs have been sent via ParentMail but there will be a slip of paper with your child's details for this website in their book bags too. 

Here are some video links for how to use Seesaw... We are excited to see the learning you share on our Seesaw Remote Learning page!


How to use the Seesaw app for students


How to use Seesaw in browsers for students



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